How to Setup CS2 Server On Linux VPS

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Creating a Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) game server on a Linux VPS with MetaMod and plugins is a fantastic way to enhance your gaming experience.

Creating a Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) game server on a Linux VPS with MetaMod and plugins is a fantastic way to enhance your gaming experience. This guide will walk you through the steps required to set up your server from scratch.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Linux VPS

  1. Choose a VPS Provider: Select a reliable Linux VPS provider such as DigitalOcean, Linode, or Vultr. Make sure your VPS meets the system requirements for running a CS2 server.

  2. Access Your VPS: Use SSH to connect to your VPS. Open your terminal and enter: bash ssh username@your_vps_ip Replace username and your_vps_ip with your actual VPS username and IP address.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

  1. Update Your Systembash sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  2. Install Required Packages: Install packages necessary for running a CS2 server: bash sudo apt install lib32gcc-s1 lib32stdc++6 screen wget

Step 3: Install SteamCMD

  1. Download and Install SteamCMDbash cd ~ mkdir steamcmd cd steamcmd wget tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

  2. Run SteamCMDbash ./

Step 4: Install CS2 Server

  1. Log into SteamCMD: Inside the SteamCMD prompt, log in anonymously: bash login anonymous

  2. Set Up Server Directory: Specify the directory where your server files will be installed: bash force_install_dir ./cs2_server/

  3. Download CS2 Server: Now, download the CS2 server files: bash app_update 730 validate quit

Step 5: Installing MetaMod

  1. Download MetaMod: Visit the MetaMod website to download the latest version compatible with CS2.

  2. Install MetaMod:

    • Extract the downloaded files into the cs2_server/cs/ directory.
    • Create the metamod.vdf file in the cs2_server/cs/ directory with the following content: plaintext "Plugin" { "file" "../addons/metamod/bin/" }

Step 6: Installing SourceMod

  1. Download SourceMod: Visit SourceMod’s official site and download the latest version.

  2. Install SourceMod:

    • Extract the SourceMod files into the cs2_server/cs/addons/ directory.

Step 7: Installing Plugins

  1. Select Plugins: Choose plugins from the AlliedModders plugin repository. Some popular ones include:

    • Admin tools (like Simple Admin)
    • Game mode variations (like Zombie Mod or Gun Game)
    • Stat tracking plugins
  2. Configure Plugins:

    • Navigate to cs2_server/cs/addons/sourcemod/configs/.
    • Edit the plugins.ini file to include your chosen plugins, each on a new line.

Step 8: Configure Your Server

  1. Edit Server Configuration: Open the cs2_server/cs/cfg/server.cfg file: bash nano cs/cfg/server.cfg Set your desired server settings, such as: plaintext hostname "My CS2 Server" sv_password "" mp_maxplayers 16

  2. Map Rotation: Edit the cs2_server/cs/cfg/mapcycle.txt file to specify the maps you want to cycle through: plaintext de_dust2 de_inferno cs_office

Step 9: Starting Your Server

  1. Launch the Server: Use the following command to start your CS2 server: bash cd cs2_server ./srcds_run -game cs -console -usercon +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 16

    • This will start your server on the de_dust2 map with 16 slots.
  2. Run in Background: To keep the server running in the background, consider using screenbash screen -S cs2_server ./srcds_run -game cs -console -usercon +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 16 Detach from the screen session with Ctrl+A, then D.

Step 10: Managing Your Server

  1. Connect to Your Server: Open CS2, go to the "Play" menu, and use the "Find a Game" option to locate your server by its IP address.

  2. Server Commands: Use the server console to manage gameplay, changing maps or settings as needed.


Setting up a CS2 server with MetaMod and plugins on a Linux VPS is a rewarding process that allows for customized gameplay experiences. By following these steps, you’ll have a dedicated server ready for you and your friends to enjoy. If you have any questions or need assistance with specific configurations, feel free to ask! Enjoy gaming!
